Membership of the South African Institute Membership
Membership runs from 01/01 – 31/12 every year and is renewable annually.
Membership Categories
- Candidate Auctioneer: Annual fee of R500-00
Employees of corporate members, such as bid spotters/ assistants, clerks, cashiers, marketers and other support staff, person involved in bid calling – auctioneers, in their personal capacity, who are actively involved in the auction industry & working towards the completion of an uninterrupted period of 0 to 3 years, prior to them becoming associate auctioneers by meeting the necessary criteria.
- Associate Auctioneer: Annual fee of R1000-00
Employees of corporate members, such as bid spotters/ assistants, clerks, cashiers, marketers and other support staff, person involved in bid calling – auctioneers, in their personal capacity, who are actively involved in the auction industry & working towards the completion of an uninterrupted period of 3 to 6 years, prior to them becoming certified auctioneers by meeting the necessary criteria.
- Certified Auctioneer: Annual fee of R2000-00
Employees of corporate members, such as bid spotters/ assistants, clerks, cashiers, marketers and other support staff, person involved in bid calling – auctioneers, in their personal capacity, who are actively involved in the auction industry & working towards the completion of an uninterrupted period of 6 years and more and meeting the necessary criteria.
Click to view full sign-up process and fees info.
View Full Website for Auctions and Auctioneer details and detailed information on SAIA HERE